Straight line graphs - Free maths worksheets and other resources
A selection of maths worksheets and PowerPoints dealing with drawing graphs of algebraic functions.
y = mx gradient worksheetAn introduction to the gradient of straight lines, this worksheet gets pupils thinking about what happens to the line when you change the value of m in the equation y = mx.
y = x + c worksheetAn introduction to the intercept of straight line graphs, this worksheet gets pupils thinking about what happens to the line when you change the value of c in the equation y = x + c.
y = c introduction worksheetAn introduction to lines of the form y = c.
Graph axes worksheetAn Excel sheet set up to be used as graph axes on an Electronic whiteboard or data projector. It can also be printed for use in a graph drawing lesson.
Mini graph axes worksheetAn Excel sheet which when printed will give 4 small grids per page, to be cut out and handed out for a quick start to a graph drawing lesson.