Fractions - Free maths worksheets
Look here to find maths worksheets and other resources for fractions including finding fractions of amounts, equivalent fractions and adding fractions together.
Finding fractions of an amount worksheetSimple questions on finding fractions of an amount, starting with unit fractions and building up to non-unit fractions of measures with units e.g. 5/7 of £35.
Equivalent fractions wall worksheetOn this worksheet, use the brightly coloured fractions wall to help find the equivalent fractions. Great practice for this important maths skill.
This is the first worksheet in a collection of six featuring fractions walls. For further practice on equivalent fractions and using these to add and subtract fractions with different denominators, the fractions wall pack can be found at the DoingMaths TeachersPayTeachers shop.
Colourful Fraction Walls to Print
These two rainbow-coloured fraction walls appear in the equivalent fractions worksheet above and are ideal aids to help children understand the concept of equivalent fractions. The two walls each feature a slightly different mix of fractions and allow children to compare the sizes of fractions and see how 1/2 = 2/4, 4/12 > 1/4 etc.
The two walls are downloadable as jpg images ready to print as they are or put together into one help sheet.
The two walls are downloadable as jpg images ready to print as they are or put together into one help sheet.
More maths jigsaw puzzles can be found in the DoingMaths store on TES.
Finding equivalent fractions - Tarsia jigsaw maths puzzleA maths jigsaw puzzle featuring 30 pairs of equivalent fractions which require matching in order to fit the 24 triangular jigsaw pieces together in one big hexagon.
Great as a maths lesson starter activity or as a group task for formative assessment
How to add and subtract fractions video - Maths helpA video from the DoingMaths YouTube channel on how to add and subtract fractions. It includes addition and subtraction of fractions with the same denominator, fractions with different denominators and arithmetic involving fractions and integers.
Finding fractions of an amount - Worded questions worksheetA worksheet containing worded questions involving finding fractions of an amount. All of the questions feature non-unit fractions.
An answer sheet is also included with the file.
Adding fractions with the same denominator worksheet generatorAn Excel document allowing you to generate random fraction addition questions involving fractions with the same denominator.
Equivalent fraction shapes worksheetOn this worksheet use the rectangular grids to find equivalent fractions. The pictorial representation will help your students grasp the reasoning behind the method of multiplying numerator and denominator by the same number.