Construction and loci - Free maths worksheets and other resources
Free maths worksheets and PowerPoints about construction and loci. There are resources for constructing triangles, bisectors and loci.
Constructing a sss triangle writing frameOne of my favourite lessons ever. This is a writing frame I created to go along with a video of myself drawing a sss triangle. The pupils watch the video and make notes of what I am doing before writing their own instructions and trying to draw their own triangles.
I recommend making your own video to go with the frame as most children love seeing their own teacher being a bit silly on screen.
SSS triangle construction worksheetA worksheet about constructing Side Side Side (SSS) triangles.
SAS triangle construction worksheetA worksheet about constructing Side Angle Side (SAS) triangles.
Constructing ASA triangles worksheetA worksheet about constructing Angle Side Angle (ASA) triangles.
Constructing triangles extension worksheetExtension work on constructing SSS, SAS and ASA triangles.
Triangle construction review worksheetA worksheet with questions on constructing ASA, SSS and SAS triangles.
Angle bisectors worksheetReady drawn angles for pupils to bisect.
Constructing a perpendicular line worksheetInstructions for constructing a perpendicular line. I use this as an extension for pupils who finish during other construction lessons.
Constructing perpendicular bisectors worksheetA worksheet for pupils to practise constructing perpendicular bisectors. There is also a linked extension sheet for finding the reflection of a point in a line using pencil and compasses.
Drawing loci worksheetA worksheet about drawing loci. This lesson should be started by taking pupils outside and asking them to create their own loci by walking aroung a partner (or line of pupils) while always remaining exactly an arm's length away.