Distance-time and speed-time graphs - Free worksheets and other resources
Here we have free worksheets and resources to do with distance-time graphs and speed-time graphs.
Distance-time graph worksheetA worksheet about distance-time graphs. Pupils are required to draw their own graph and answer questions about it. Great for a homework.
Speed-time graph investigation worksheetA worksheet about speed-time graphs. Pupils are required to watch the motorbike chase scene from Terminator 2 and time the different incidents mentioned on the sheet (unfortunately I can't link to the video for copyright reasons). This information can then be used to draw a speed-time graph. This is a fantastic lesson that observers will love and ticks all the boxes for an outstanding lesson.
For a fun plenary, draw the resulting speed-time graph on the board and invite the class to do the sound effects of the journey as you move along the graph with your finger e.g. motor noises for a positive gradient, screeching brake sounds for the strong negative gradient. Required: stopwatches, electronic whiteboard/data projector, video below. This lesson idea works equally well with any kind of chase scene from a film; just list the moments when speed changes and write down your own estimates for the speed. ![]()
Read this article to find more ideas for hands on maths lessons.